Our Vision.

Using Artifical Intelligence to Make the World a Better Place.

Educating Society

While many people feel uneasy about the rapid advancement of AI, a significant knowledge gap exists regarding the specifics of a future dominated by AI surpassing humans.

In this future, politicians and corporations wield powerful tools that can significantly influence—and potentially harm—our daily lives.

Our mission is to educate society about the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of AI technology. Because only through an informed society can we achieve the utopian future we all envision.

Building Upon AI

We regard technologies like ChatGPT and Mistral as foundational layers of AI, akin to the infrastructure of the internet.

Much like the internet’s early days in the 1990s, when the real economic value came from building upon it rather than competing against it, we follow a similar approach.

We develop applications that operate on these foundational layers—what we refer to as Layer 2 for AI, the Application Layer. Furthermore, we create products that constitute Layer 3 for AI, the Product Layer, solidifying our contribution to this evolutionary tech landscape.

Learn more about Nyxia Coin

Our Products.

Brave in Trailblazing and Dedicated to Value Creation.


Our first AI application, focused on mental health, is designed for rapid market penetration. With NyxiaGPT, we bring our vision of a library that can talk back to life.

Live in Beta

Nyxia Music

An experimental music lab that creates tracks using the power of generative AI. Releasing, and monetizing AI music across various distribution channels.

Live and Purring

We are Leading the AI Music Revolution

Since its inception, Nyxia AI has envisioned that AI music will achieve its major breakthrough in 2024.

Music for Everyone

By combining human passion with the latest tech in generative AI, we are able to create music that is ready for mainstream adoption.

Nyxia AI Music YouTube Playlist

On-Chain AI Music Marketplace

We are building the go-to place for the new generation of music artists. Generate your AI music with our app and protect your ownership rights by minting an NFT.

Distribute your music through our marketplace or get discovered by Nyxia AI Music, and let us handle the marketing and distribution for you.

Our Team.

Catlovers United in Their Passion for Web3, AI and Arts.


Founder – Cats Lover – AI Maximalist

After climbing the corporate ladder, Heikolino chose to leave the corporate world behind and follow his passions instead.

Active in web3 since 2017 and deploying AI at the enterprise level since 2022, he combines a longstanding curiosity for spirituality with an endless love for cats.

By founding Nyxia AI, he combines his passions and skills with a clear mission: driving positive change in humanity.

Heikolino is located in: Berlin, Germany.

Nyxia AI Core Team

Nyxia AI Music Artists

Nyxia AI Supporters and Friends